Rakaia Labyrinth Weir Project

Our Civil team have recently completed the Labyrinth Weir project for Central Plains Water working for Taylors Contracting Co Ltd. at the Rakaia River in Canterbury.

Our Precast and Civil Teams worked diligently to manufacture custom precast panels, purposed with increasing the ability of the weir to evacuate water from the canal intake during high river flows. The precast panels were constructed using purpose-built moulds fabricated by our in house engineering team.

Precasting the weir panels at our Christchurch yard and assembling them on site compressed the programme’s timeframe, minimising exposure to flood events and derisking the project. Accurately positioning the new weir in the exact location and height of the old weir was also a challenge. This was achieved using a combination of modern survey total station and traditional dumpy level.

The concrete panel sections were poured into purpose-built concrete moulds. It took a lot of work to get the bull nose shape on top just right as well as the angle of each panel.

This project was completed under a very strict time frame and well ahead of the project’s deadline. Great work from our Civil and Precast Team, led by Matt Draper.


Harapaki Wind Farm is now fully operational, thanks to New Zealand’s largest crane.